Naim Rasul
Naim Rasul currently works as a case manager for transgender and gender non conforming youth within the Health Outreach to Teens (HOTT) program at Callen-Lorde Community Health Center in NYC. Within Callen-Lorde, Naim focuses on advocacy, empowerment, and providing direct services to at risk TGNC at risk youth of color. Naim also worked as a case manager for Project Street Beat at Planned Parenthood providing direct services to high risk/at risk, HIV+, substance abusers, intravenous drug users, sex workers, and homeless adults. Naim received his M.A. at New York University in Gender and Sexual Politics. Naim received his Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology at California State University, Los Angeles with an emphasis in Inequalities and Diversity as well as minoring in Pan African Studies. Naim is an activist, organizer, counselor, and public speaker whose focus centers around the intersecting oppressions of race, class, gender, sex, and sexuality as well as the violence and criminalization that is marked upon identities that are stigmatized and marginalized within society. Naim has a deep passion for social justice as well as equality in access to services. Naim loves spending time with his fiancé and three cats.