Rachel Levin
Rachel Levin is a professor of biology and neuroscience at Pomona College. She received her Bachelor’s degree in biology & psychology from Antioch College and her PhD in Neurobiology & Behavior from Cornell University. Her research has focused on reproductive strategies in wild animals and the underlying neuroendocrinological mechanisms that support them. She has worked on bird song, most notably vocal duets performed by neotropical birds, mate fidelity and the influence of environment on the evolution of these behaviors. Currently, she and her students are conducting a study on biological influences on trans* identity and sexuality. In this large-scale project, participants are recruited from a variety of venues and asked to self-identify in a way that retains the natural diversity of who they are. By exploring the full diversity of human expression, Levin hopes to bring a more inclusive, respectful view of trans* identity and sexuality into the scientific literature and, perhaps, to resolve some of the inconsistencies of other studies. Levin has found this work to be life-changing. In addition to teaching courses on animal behavior, neuroethology and ecology & evolutionary biology, she currently teaches and gives public lectures on the complex relationship between science, gender identity and society. She is honored to be involved in the Trans Bodies, Trans Selves project.