Miqqi Alicia Gilbert
Miqqi Alicia Gilbert, Ph.D. aka Michael A. Gilbert is Full Professor of Philosophy at York University, Toronto, Canada. S/he has published two novels, a monograph entitled Coalescent Argumentation, as well a popular book on argument, How to Win an Argument, now in a third edition. More recently s/he has been publishing scholarly articles in Gender Theory including an essay in Hypatia in 2009. Miqqi Alicia is a life-long cross dresser and an activist in the international transgender community. S/he was the book review editor and regular columnist for Transgender Tapestry, the magazine of the International Foundation for Gender Education, a recipient, in 2007, of an IFGE Trinity Award, and Director of Fantasia Fair. S/he has presented workshops at numerous trans events including Fantasia Fair, Southern Comfort, and First Event. Her new book, Arguing with People is being published by Broadview Press in Spring 2014. Her website is located at: www.yorku.ca/gilbert/tg.