Reid Vanderburgh
Reid Vanderburgh, MA, LMFT is a therapist with a private practice in Portland, Oregon. Reid’s specialization is helping people cope with major life transformative events. Approximately 95% of his clientele is transgender in one way or another. In addition to his work as a therapist, Reid has extensive experience providing workshops, classes and presentations on transgender issues, within a variety of settings. He is the author of “Transition and Beyond: Observations on Gender Identity,” about to be released in its second edition. Reid received his MA in Counseling Psychology from John F. Kennedy University’s Graduate School for Holistic Studies in 2001. He is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. Reid is a member of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH, formerly HBIGDA, Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association) and the International Foundation for Gender Education (IFGE) Reid is also a member of the professional advisory board of TYFA (Trans Youth Family Allies).